Legal warning

This website is owned and managed by Design Thinkers & Makers S. L. (hereinafter Maker Faire Galicia), registered in the commercial registry of Santiago de Compostela (volume 301, book 0, page 206 of section B).

- NIF No. B 70515564
- Registered office: Rúa do Tambre 61, 15701, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
- Phone: 881251572.
- E-mail of the DPO:

General conditions of use:

The use of this website is governed by the rules established in this legal notice in accordance with Spanish law. With its use, the user agrees to use the website and its services and content without violating current legislation, good faith, generally accepted uses and public order.

The User who accesses the Website must comply with these General Conditions and the special instructions for use that are shown at all times. Likewise, it undertakes to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of the service it enjoys. Thus, the User may not make any modification or alteration of the contents of the Website, except for the data that the User himself has entered, nor will it harm its integrity or operation in any way.

Maker Faire Galicia reserves the right to modify the terms of use and privacy policy, always in accordance with the applicable regulations, according to its own criteria or motivated by legislative or doctrinal changes. Immediately after publishing the changes, said modifications will apply to all Users who access your website and/or social networks.

Responsibility of Maker Faire Galicia

Maker Faire Galicia will not assume responsibility for:

a) Due to the temporary impossibility of accessing the Website at a given time, or to specific information among those included in Maker Faire Galicia or on those Websites that the User accesses through hypertext links located on the Website.
b) For the accuracy or timeliness of the content, information and offers of products and services provided.
c) On the Website there is simplified information, or information written with the aim of making it easier for the average User to understand, so Maker Faire Galicia is not responsible for any misinterpretation that the information presented here may give rise to. , except for negligent action by Maker Faire Galicia in the exercise of its functions, as described in these General Conditions.
d) Maker Faire Galicia will not be liable in any case for damages caused as a result of fortuitous or unforeseeable events, nor for those that are a consequence of the negligent behavior of the User.


Responsibility of the user of the website

The User agrees to:

- Make appropriate and lawful use of the website as well as its content and services, in accordance with the applicable legislation at all times, the General Conditions of Use, morality and generally accepted good customs and public order. As well as providing all the means and technical requirements that are needed to access the website or social network.
- Provide truthful information by filling in the forms with your personal data and keeping them updated at all times so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. The User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damage caused to DESIGN THINKERS & MAKERS S.L. or to third parties for the information you provide.Intellectual property of the contents of the website

Intellectual property of the contents of the Website

All the contents of the website, as well as its structure, design and its source code, are licensed to Maker Faire Galicia and are protected, without limitations, by the intellectual and industrial property laws of the Kingdom of Spain and by international treaties and conventions. of application. The total or partial reproduction of the contents of this website is prohibited, as well as its modification and/or distribution without citing its origin or requesting prior authorization.

 Any litigation or controversy that arises between Maker Faire Galicia and a User regarding the interpretation or application of these General Conditions or, in general, directly or indirectly related to the use of the services offered on the Website will be resolved by the Courts. and Courts of Santiago de Compostela.

As a prerequisite to the beginning of the litigation, Maker Faire Galicia and the User agree to negotiate in good faith to resolve the litigation or controversy during a period of one (1) month from the date on which one of the parties notifies in writing to the other its potentially litigious claim.

All Rights reserved. Maker Faire Galicia, 2024

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