Social networks privacy policy

In compliance with the provisions of the legislation on data protection, and specifically in Regulation EU 2016/679, of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, Maker Faire Galicia informs you that:

- The data collected in the contact section will not be incorporated into any file, and will be processed in order to meet your requests or requirements. Once finished, they will be deleted. The data categories correspond to identification and contact data.
- The personal data that is provided to us when subscribing to the Newsletter or register on the webside will be incorporated for processing in the Record of processing activities of DESIGN THINKERS & MAKERS S. L, owner and data controller. The data categories will correspond to contact data. The purpose will be to manage this Newsletter subscription directly from the web. The retention time of your data will be that corresponding to the duration of the relationship, or until the rights of deletion or cancellation are not exercised.

The treatment of personal data carried out by Maker Faire Galicia responds exclusively to the purposes established above and corresponding to the categories of data required, being legitimized to carry out these treatments by the consent that is expressly granted when accepting this Privacy Policy. .

In any case, these data will not be transferred to third parties without the corresponding prior consent or outside the cases expressly provided for in data protection legislation.
Maker Faire Galicia guarantees the exercise of the rights of access to your personal data, modification or rectification, cancellation or deletion, opposition and the limitation of its treatment, as well as the portability of data by contacting: rúa do Tambre 61, 15704, Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) (or e – mail: ) enclosing a photocopy of your ID for identification purposes.
You are also reminded that you also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


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