The Maker Faire Galicia will celebrate its 10th edition this 2024 (9 Maker Faire Galicia + 1 Mini Maker Faire Compostela) and taking advantage of the occasion we have decided to change the format of the event. It will go from being held for 4 consecutive days and in the same location, to be held at various times of the year and in different locations in the city of Santiago.
Dates: June 3 and 4
With the following form, your educational center will be able to ensure its participation in the event that will take place on Friday, June 2 at the Gaiás Museum in the City of Culture, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Do not miss the opportunity to be part of this unique event in which education and creativity come together in an exceptional way.
Participate in the face-to-face event of the industry at the Maker Faire Galicia 2023!
As you already know, the first face-to-face session will take place next Thursday, June 1, where the event will officially open.
As every year, we collaborate with APD, who, in addition to helping them make this day a reality, will be in charge of managing registrations.
You can register through this link: https://www.apd.es/jornada-maker-faire-santiago/ or by sending an email to sistemasnoroeste2@apd.es
Enjoy our Gamer Space, the fourth edition of the Game Maker Jam, expert talks, exciting video games, and the BoxVR workshop. Register and live an unforgettable experience. We are waiting with open arms!
On June 1, as part of the Maker Faire 2023 industry day, we will have the opportunity to listen to David Buceta, CTO of Nanogap and leader of the HySun project, explain how they are revolutionizing the hydrogen production market with the combination of two disruptive technologies: photo-thermo-catalysis and concentrated solar power.
The moment that lovers of the #Maker movement have been waiting for has finally arrived! The workshops of the Maker Faire Galicia 2023 are already here. This is just a preview, since in the next few days there will be news and updates that we will share in this post. Stay alert!
The Maker Faire Galicia will celebrate its ninth consolidated edition this year as one of the largest Maker events in Europe. Looking back, there is something that was essential to get here and do it successfully, and that is undoubtedly the community of volunteers who each year has helped make an event of this dimension possible.
This year, during the Maker Faire Galicia, the fourth edition of the Game Maker Jam will be held, an event that has been improving year after year in the number of participants and the quality of the video games presented. For those who are not familiar with the term "Game Jam", it is a competition in which the participants must create video game prototypes in a free and almost improvised way, within a certain period of time. The objective is to encourage experimentation and innovation in the video game industry.
Esther Suárez and Diego Castro, two students from the IES Ponteceso and the Isidro Parga Pondal Scientific-Technological Classrooms, from the Eduardo Pondal Foundation in A Coruña, have presented a highly innovative project that has been recognized nationally and internationally. "Never choveu que non escamapara", that's the name of his project, seeks to prevent the effects of flooding through a flood detection system. Esther and Diego will share their project with all attendees during the educational day of the Maker Faire Galicia 2023, which will be held on June 2 at the Gaiás Museum.
This year we will have the honor of having Samu in the educational day of the Maker Faire Galicia on June 2, where he will teach us everything that non-formal learning has brought him and he will tell us what are the next projects he has in mind.
The Maker Faire Galicia, which will be held from June 1 to 4, in a hybrid format, at the Gaiás Museum of the City of Culture, has closed this week the call for makers, where more than 70 projects were received both national as international.
In addition to this selection of projects, which will be revealed in the coming weeks on the event's website, the organization has begun to advance some of the most outstanding content of the conference. In them, there will be both national and international references in the fields of STEAM education, artificial intelligence, art, video games, biotechnology, energy, scientific dissemination or inclusive innovation.