
Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro

LCD (Laboratório de Criatividade Digital) is a project from Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro, focused on STEAM and robotics. 


What is the project about?

This project is about fostering deep digital skill in our students, enabling them to understand the digital world, making them experiment with complex technologies, developing computational thinking skills, and experiment with arts activities where coding and robotics are languages for artistic expression.


What is the purpose of the project?

Our purpose is to challenge students and teachers to work with a range of technologies from 3D modeling to IA, using whichever projects and aproachers are better suited for learners.


How does it work?

We use a wide range of technologies to enable students to develop their projects: coding, robotics, 3D modeling and printing, Artificial Intelligence.


What does it contribute to the Maker Community?

We hope to share our experience in bringing technology based activities to our students, as well as learning from other showcased projects.


Who has realised the project?

This project is developed with teachers and students from Agrupamento de Escolas Venda do Pinheiro, in several contexts: ICT class, robotics club, primary school activities, workshops and demonstrations.

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