
Maker Club León

We are a community of students passionate about innovation and technology. Discover our projects:

Arcade Machine

A handmade desktop arcade machine, handcrafted following the Open Source line of the "Galactic Starcade" project, with custom operating system and design.

8-bit computer

A modular model of a computer with Z80 processor, an electronics project that aims to show the architecture of an old computer.

Nvidia Jetson

A small automaton incorporating specialised hardware for image recognition and computer vision.

What is the purpose of this project?

Arcade: To develop construction and carpentry skills, OS development, learn about electronic assembly.

8-bit: To investigate the workings of the ancient computer systems that are the cornerstones of modern computing.

Nvidia Jetson: Almost exclusive use for research work on artificial intelligence and robotics.

What does this project bring to the Maker Community?

To disseminate the most basic knowledge of construction and project development to the youngest members of the university community, as well as to reinforce the different subjects that are dealt with theoretically in class in a more interactive way.

Who has carried out the project?

All the projects have been carried out by members of the association.

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