
Colegio Salesiano Santo Ángel (Asturias)

DIY Smart Mirror with integrated voice and video assistant.


What is the project about?
The Magic Mirror with Raspberry Pi project is an innovative combination of technology and DIY that transforms an ordinary mirror into an interactive, personalised surface. Using a two-way mirror and a monitor, the Raspberry Pi acts as the brain of the mirror, displaying useful information such as weather, news, calendar and more transparently on the user's reflection. With customisability, users can integrate additional features such as facial recognition, voice control and custom widgets to suit their needs. This project not only creates a unique decorative element, but also provides a functional tool for everyday life.


What is the purpose of this project?

The aim of the Magic Mirror with Raspberry Pi project is to create a customisable smart mirror that combines the functionality of a conventional mirror with the information and control capabilities of the Google Assistant module. By integrating the Google Assistant module, the mirror allows users to perform a wide range of tasks using voice commands, such as getting information about the weather, news, calendar, controlling smart home devices and more, all while being reflected in the mirror. This integration further extends the mirror's utility, making it a convenient and accessible information and control centre in the home or office. In addition, the project still maintains its customisability, allowing users to tailor the mirror to their specific preferences and needs. In short, the aim of the project is to offer an interactive and practical experience that enhances users' daily lives by combining a conventional mirror with the advanced capabilities of Google's virtual assistant.


How does it work?
The Magic Mirror project with Raspberry Pi works by combining hardware and software to create a smart, customisable mirror. Here is an overview of how it works:

- Hardware: A two-way mirror is used, which allows information to be displayed on the reflective surface while allowing light to pass through it. In addition, an LCD monitor is used behind the mirror to display the information. Raspberry Pi acts as the brain of the system, running the necessary software and connecting the different components.

- Software: A Linux-based operating system, such as Raspbian, is installed on the Raspberry Pi. It runs Magic Mirror-specific software, such as MagicMirror2, which allows customisable widgets to be displayed on the monitor behind the mirror. This software can be customised to display information such as weather, news, calendar, reminders, and more.

- Integration with Google Assistant: The Google Assistant module can be added to the project to enable voice control. This is achieved by setting up a microphone and speakers connected to the Raspberry Pi, and installing the Google Assistant software. Users can then interact with the mirror and perform various tasks using voice commands, such as getting information, controlling smart home devices, playing music, and more.

What does it bring to the Maker Community?
This project brings several significant benefits to the maker community:

- Technological innovation: It integrates hardware and software in a creative way to transform an everyday object such as a mirror into a smart and functional tool. Hands-on learning: Provides an opportunity for makers to acquire and develop skills in electronics, programming, design and fabrication by building and customising their own smart mirror.

- Open access: Most of the components used in the project are low-cost and widely available, facilitating access and participation by a wide range of people interested in the technology.

- Collaborative community: Encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing within the maker community, through documentation, tutorials and online forums where makers can share their experiences, problems and solutions.

- Inspiration and creativity: Stimulates creativity by offering a versatile platform for experimentation and the creation of unique and customised projects, which can be adapted to individual needs and preferences.


Who carried out the project?
Students of 1st Baccalaureate

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