What does the project consist of?
It allows to recreate the Human Resources selection tests in a virtual environment through virtual glasses. It is designed to be used in any department and in any sector, as it has a control panel that allows the tests to be configured and adapted to different production sectors.
What is the purpose of this project?
The purpose of this tool is to objectively select the best candidates in a selection process and at the same time it is a transversal educational tool for all vocational training students, thanks to which they will be able to prepare themselves to face a personnel selection process and improve their employability.
Who did the project?
CIFP Portovello (coordinating centre, Sabela Fraga)
CIFP El Robledal Marcos-Valcárcel (collaborating centre, Santiago García and María Pato)
Ideit, SL (collaborating entity)
Grupo Cuevas (collaborating entity)