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Ana Ortega Perez-Cepeda

Ana Ortega holds a degree in Business Management and Administration from the University College of Dublin - CESUGA, a Master in Public Management and Institutional Leadership and a Master in AI for Public Services.

Ana is a versatile professional with international experience in countries such as the United Kingdom, Russia and the United States working in International Organisations such as the Pan American Health Organisation and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) where she worked as a Partnership Specialist and Advisor to the Secretary of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB Group).

She is currently part of the ONCE Innova team and supports the promotion of innovation at ONCE.

Javier Merino Carbonell

I have been a member of the ONCE Innova team since the beginning of this initiative.  

I joined the ONCE Social Group in 2002 and, since 2015, I have been Technical Director of Systems at ONCE. In the Systems area, we design and propose the strategy in the field of technology. We are responsible for coordinating the development, implementation and maintenance activities of the Organisation's systems architecture and technological resources, ensuring the accessibility of all ONCE's information systems for people with blindness and visual impairment. We also promote and coordinate the digital transformation projects that the management areas (Social Services, Gaming and Resources) lead in their respective areas of work. 

Previously, I worked at Total Gaming Systems, an ONCE Social Group company specialising in the implementation of projects in the field of gaming, in the insurance sector (TIREA) and in the telecommunications sector (Telefónica Group), always in projects closely linked to technology. 
For fifteen years, I combined my professional activity with teaching at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.  

I have a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and I have completed my management training at IESE (AMP). 



Francisco Vidal

I define myself as a person with a restless mind and that leads me to be always thinking about how to optimise things.

I am always willing to help anyone who asks me to do so. Since I was a child I used to make all kinds of gadgets using the materials I had at hand, recycling everything I could get my hands on.

At school my favourite subject was handicrafts (technology), all my classmates wanted to be part of my team and I have taken this philosophy to all areas of my life. I was even the protagonist in the Bricomania programme ‘LA HABITACION FUTBOLERA’ (THE FOOTBALL ROOM).

I have been working in Once for three years as a street vendor and when I saw the needs I had, I started to make material for my work. The final result was the: ‘Exhibitor for street vending’.

I continue with other joint projects such as ‘CICLONCE’ with Violeta (CREATIVA), Genoveva (ASESORA) and me (MAKER).

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