We adapted the urban art of the Meninas de Canido (Ferrol) so that visually impaired people could enjoy it. For this purpose, we created models in which we used different textures, 3D contours and the constanz method (a universal method that assigns colours to shapes). In addition, we added an audio plate that is activated by touch and explains the works. To describe the context of the models we also use navilens codes that are activated from different angles.
What does the project consist of?
The project offers an inclusive and enriching experience through the streets that form the Meninas de Canido, located in Ferrol. We combine models, tactile plaques and Navilens codes so that a visually impaired person can enjoy the art that runs through the streets of the neighbourhood.
What is the aim of this project?
The aim of the project is to enable visually impaired people to enjoy urban art. The long-term goal is for our project to become a reality and for the Canido neighbourhood to become the first urban museum with an intelligent and inclusive route. In order to achieve this reality, the first contacts between Eduardo Hermida, the creator of the Meninas, and ONCE are already beginning, both to make an initial design and to study the existing means of financing.
What does it bring to the Maker Community?
An inclusive experience in art.
Who has carried out the project?
A group of 11 students, called Os robots do Pazo, and five teachers from the IES of Fene.