

Project Description:

"Play with Me" is an innovative 15 cm diameter methacrylate ball designed for multiplayer entertainment. It incorporates Microbit-based electronics and 3D printed parts. Inside the sphere is a small basket with a sensor that detects when the ball enters, thus allowing different modes of play between different people.

Problem to be solved:

The "Play with Me" project addresses the issue of isolation and loneliness of young people in today's society. It promotes interaction and companionship, helping young people to connect and relate to each other in a playful and meaningful way.

Play Modes:

Competition for Points in a Time Limit:
Players have a time limit (e.g. 2 minutes) to basket the ball as many times as possible. The sensor inside the basket counts each basket, and the ball communicates with other balls to update the score in real time. The player with the most points at the end of the time limit wins.

Race to Reach X Points:
In this mode, players compete to be the first to reach a certain number of points (e.g. 10 points). Each time a player makes a basket, the ball updates and reports his or her score. The first player to reach the target wins the game.

Hot Potato Mode:
The "hot potato" is a countdown that starts with one player and switches to another when a player makes a basket on his ball. If a player fails to make a basket before time runs out, the "hot potato" explodes and the player is eliminated. Play continues until there is only one player left. This mode encourages speed, accuracy and strategy.

"Skill Challenge" mode:
This mode introduces additional obstacles or challenges, such as basketing the ball after performing a spin or shooting with a specific hand. Players must complete each challenge to earn points. This mode is excellent for developing motor skills and coordination.


Educational Value and Skills Development:

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:
Students develop skills in programming and electronics by using Microbit to control and communicate between balls.
The construction of the basket with sensors requires precision and understanding of electronic circuits, encouraging analysis and technical problem solving.


 Teamwork and Collaboration:
The project encourages cooperation and communication, as multiplayer game modes require participants to work together and compete in a healthy manner.
Students must coordinate to design, 3D print and assemble the parts, promoting collaboration and project management.

Creativity and Innovation:
By designing different game modes, students exercise their creativity, proposing and testing new ways of interaction.
The integration of technologies such as 3D printing and Microbit programming shows an innovative application of theoretical knowledge in a practical and fun context.

Application of Modern Technologies:
Students learn and apply 3D design and programming skills, crucial tools in the modern world.
The use of sensors and communication between devices introduces IoT (Internet of Things) concepts, preparing students for future technological challenges.


Technologies used:
Microbit: Microcontroller used for the programming and control of the ball, allowing communication between different balls and basket detection.
3D printing: Used for the creation of the parts that form the structure of the ball and the inner basket.
Sensors: Integrated in the basket to detect when the ball goes in and count the points.
Wireless Radio Communication: For interaction between balls and real-time score updates.
Prototyping Materials and Tools: Including saws, cutters, cardboard, and other materials and tools necessary for the construction and assembly of the prototype.


Anxo Aparicio Rial
Iago Seijo Rodríguez
Anxo Puente Bahamonde
Anxo Vieiro Fernández
Mario Bargo López

Future applications:
In the future, "Play with Me" could evolve to integrate with a physical model or a virtual representation on screen, allowing players to move their characters and interact with other characters in a more dynamic way. The attached image illustrates a possible application where players, using similar balls, control characters on an interactive board.

· Physical Interaction:
Players could move their characters physically on a real mock-up, interacting with other characters and elements of the environment.
RFID sensors and other sensing devices can record movements and actions, providing real-time feedback.

· Virtual Interaction:
On a screen, players could see a digital representation of the mock-up, controlling their characters through physical interfaces such as the game ball.
Integration with augmented or virtual reality technologies could further enrich the experience, offering an immersive and educational environment.

These future applications will not only expand the gaming possibilities, but also offer new opportunities for interactive learning and collaboration, further strengthening students' technological and social skills.


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