Design of virtual museums with artificial intelligence to introduce artificial intelligence in the classroom as an educational resource.
What is the project about?
Virtual museums have been designed with artificial intelligence, the proposal was to introduce artificial intelligence in the classroom as a common thread to follow the Digitalisation programme in the fourth year of ESO.
To do this, the students generated a virtual museum using virtual assistants to generate interaction with the user. All the programmes used have been created with free or free software, from the virtual museum, avatars, chatbots and other ia tools.
The next stage, after generating the virtual museums, firstly of four different entities (university, primary schools, foundation and our centre) individually, we went on to create a group virtual museum that will talk about Catalan culture:
1) of the Castañada, Gastronomy and the tradition of the Christmas tree in Catalonia.
2) with a CO2Y calculator
In the third stage, an app has been generated with appinventor that allows museums to be integrated to make them more accessible to different audiences, in our case, people with hearing disabilities.
Finally, it has been advertised on a website.
What is the purpose of the project?
Learn how to integrate IA in the classroom, how to recognise authorship rights and how to do the subject of digitisation in the fourth year of ESO.
How does it work?
- Virtual reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Free or open source software
What does it contribute to the Maker Community?
- Novel and innovative design
- Generation of portfolios with the students' subjects
- Transversality of different subjects
- STEAM perspective
Who has realised the project?
Cristina Blaya Góngora with her students.