
CITIC - Talentos Inclusivos

We want to increase the knowledge of science and technology of non-university students and make the reality of people with disabilities more visible.


What does the project consist of?
The main objective of the initiative is twofold: on the one hand, to increase the knowledge and skills in the field of science and technology of non-university students; and on the other hand, to raise awareness of the problems of people with functional diversity among students at educational centres.

The methodological basis of the Inclusive Talents project is based on participatory workshops. The starting point of each edition is the definition of the challenges that the different associations involved propose to the participating schools. The participative workshops are made up of the participation of young students, teachers from these centres, people with disabilities, professionals from ASPACE Coruña, Amencer-APACE, APAMP and members of CITIC.

The technological challenges are solved using different technologies: augmented reality (Scratch); robotics; home automation; support products (Makey-Makey) and accessible leisure (Micro:bit).

The results are the development of accessible technological solutions, the experience lived in the workshops and the dissemination in the media and in society.


What is the purpose of this project?
Its aim is to awaken STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations among young people and to raise awareness of the reality of disability through collaborative work teams to solve technological challenges posed by people with cerebral palsy.


How does it work?
Inclusive Talents is a project whose success lies in the collaborative work of the different agents involved. Year after year, new alliances emerge that strengthen the initiative and give greater visibility to the project.

Through collaborative learning, the responsibility for the activities to be carried out in each edition of Inclusive Talents falls on a group of young people and people with disabilities, who will be continuously supported by the teachers assigned to each group, together with professionals from ASPACE Coruña, Amencer-ASPACE and APAMP and by researchers from CITIC, who will dynamise, supervise and tutor the activities throughout the process.

On the other hand, the technological solution to the proposed challenges is created jointly between young people and people with disabilities by applying User-Centred Design. In this way, the opinions, perceptions and needs of people with CP will be respected throughout the procedure, which gives a voice and a vote to a group in a vulnerable situation, and in turn, encourages their motivation to participate in the proposal and brings science closer to groups that do not normally participate. Furthermore, the voluntary collaboration between the teaching staff of the educational centres, together with the professionals of ASPACE Coruña, Amencer-ASPACE, APAMP and the members of CITIC involved, provides a perspective of collaboration between different social agents in a close and open way, favouring citizen participation in scientific research activities. Likewise, through the service-learning methodology, student learning is promoted through service to a solution offered to the community.


What does it bring to the Maker Community?
On the one hand, the development of innovative solutions that improve the living conditions of people with disabilities, through different projects carried out by non-university students that can be replicated, as a report on the development of each project is made available to the whole of society on the Inclusive Talents website:
In addition, this initiative focuses on giving visibility to the social utility of science, based on the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), through direct and continuous collaboration with society, in this case specifically with people with Cerebral Palsy (CP) and with dissemination to other agents in society.


Who has carried out the project?
Inclusive Talents is a project that is developed annually by the Centre for Research in Information and Communication Technologies of the University of A Coruña (CITIC), ASPACE Coruña (Association of parents of people with cerebral palsy), Amencer-ASPACE, APAMP and the City Council of A Coruña.
It is promoted by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the Xunta de Galicia through the Department of Social Policy and Youth and the Department of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities. The 4th edition of Inclusive Talents is currently being held in parallel to the development of the 2023-2024 academic year.

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