

Vermislab's stand at Maker Faire Galicia 2024 presents a variety of innovative projects developed by the academy's students. These projects stand out for their creativity, use of advanced technologies and focus on practical education.

Below are some of the most outstanding projects that will be on display:


Minimakers Projects:

Crazy InventionsCrazy Inventions:

· Minimakers have created a number of unique and original inventions, using their creativity and knowledge of science and technology.

· These inventions include devices and gadgets designed to solve everyday problems in fun and innovative ways.

Creativity and Artificial Intelligence work:

· Students have worked on projects that combine creativity with artificial intelligence.

· Projects with Generative AI: Students have used generative AI tools to create art, music and other forms of creative expression.

· Projects with Machine Learning in Scratch: Students have integrated machine learning into Scratch projects, where object recognition is used as input to provide extended information about objects. For example, a project can recognise an object and provide detailed data about it, enriching the educational experience.

Radio Controlled Robots with First Person Vision (FPV):

· Students have designed and built radio-controlled robots, equipped with cameras to provide first-person vision.

· These robots allow users to experience remote control and exploration from the robot's perspective.


Hacking and Recycling:

· Hacking and recycling projects show how pupils reuse electronic materials and components to create new devices.
· Examples include creating robots using recycled Roomba hoover motors, demonstrating engineering and sustainability skills.

Environment projects:

· Fire shelter: Making an early detection fire shelter that is integrated into the form of a bird house in the forest.


Physics experimentation projects:

· Leonardo DaVinci projects. Creation of a Leonardo "screw" project using motors, origami and 3D printing.

· Projects experimenting with electricity and electronics. From circuits to Tesla coil.


Gamemakers Projects

 Video Game Developed in Unreal Engine:

· The Gamemakers have developed a video game using the Unreal Engine, known for its ability to create stunning graphics and immersive gaming experiences.

· The video game is integrated into virtual reality glasses, offering visitors an interactive and immersive experience.


The projects on the Vermislab stand have been developed by several students from the academy, demonstrating their talent and dedication in various areas of technology and creativity.


Vermislab philosophy:
At Vermislab, we believe that learning should be active, hands-on and project-oriented. Our philosophy focuses on fostering curiosity, creativity and critical thinking in students. We seek to provide an environment where students can experiment with advanced technologies, work in teams and solve real problems. The integration of different disciplines such as science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) is central to our educational approach, promoting holistic and multidisciplinary learning.

The Vermislab Stand at Maker Faire Galicia 2024 not only showcases the innovation and ingenuity of students, but also highlights the importance of hands-on education and project-based learning. Visitors will have the opportunity to interact with these projects, experience advanced technologies and appreciate the creative and technical potential of Vermislab's young inventors and developers.

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